In the News: “Sitting for Long Periods Increases Risk of Disease and Death, Regardless of Exercise”

 “More than one half of an average person’s day is spent being sedentary—sitting, watching television, or working at a computer,” said Dr. David Alter [Senior Scientist, Toronto Rehab, UHN, and Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences].

Okay, you may want to stand for this… He goes on to say:

Way quote. STAND_sedentary too long

[Ah, yes, just like in the spiritual life… Pray always! …Oops, back now to this sitting study:]

“Our study finds that despite the health-enhancing benefits of physical activity, this alone may not be enough to reduce the risk for disease” [particularly for type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer].

Yes, these are the research findings recently featured in the news… More motivation for us to take a stand!

The following further summarizes this study & interview via the University Health Network (UHN) Newsroom:

The meta-analysis study [which actually reviewed 47 studies focused on sedentary behavior]… found the negative effects of sitting time on health; however, [these effects] are more pronounced among those who do little or no exercise than among those who participate in higher amounts of exercise.

“The findings suggest that the health risk of sitting too much is less pronounced when physical activity is increased,” said Biswas.  Future research will help determine what interventions, in addition to physical activity, are effective against the health risk of sedentary time.

“Avoiding sedentary time and getting regular exercise are both important for improving your health and survival,” said Dr. Alter. “It is not good enough to exercise for 30 minutes a day and be sedentary for 23 and half hours.”

In the interim, Dr. Alter underlines strategies people can use to reduce sitting time:

“The first step is to monitor sitting times—once we start counting, we’re more likely to change our behaviour,” said Dr. Alter.

“Next is setting achievable goals and finding opportunities to incorporate greater physical activity—and less time sitting— into your daily life. For example, at work, stand up or move for one to three minutes every half hour [at least]; and when watching television, stand or exercise during commercials.”

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So how about it? …Let’s STAND!

Reason is calling…

Stand in the place where you live… and work… Think about it. 😉


Yes, move and be moved… Let us STAND FOR SOMETHING GOOD.

The Way to Nourish for Life!  2015.

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