In The News: “Arsenic Found in Many U.S. Red Wines, but health risks depend on total diet”

Sixty-four wines (of the 65 wines tested) from America’s top four wine-producing states had arsenic levels that exceed what’s allowed in drinking water. The following are excerpts from a recent University of Washington report on two studies appearing in the Journal of Environmental Health October 2015 [refer to report for further information]. “A new University of…

In The News: Can Antioxidant Supplements Make Cancer Spread Faster?

Headline: Antioxidants Cause Malignant Melanoma to Metastasize Faster “Fresh research at Sahlgrenska Academy has found that antioxidants can double the rate of melanoma metastasis in mice. The results reinforce previous findings that antioxidants [in form of supplements] hasten the progression of lung cancer. According to Professor Martin Bergö, people with cancer or an elevated risk of…

Give Up Soda for Lent & for Life!… “Popular Soda Ingredient Poses Cancer Risk to Consumers” Still

Yet another reason to give up on soda!  In the news…  Research analysis suggests that soda drinkers consuming 1 or more cans per day are possibly being exposed to 4-methylimidazole, a potential carcinogen.  Excerpts from latest news release from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health are as follows: “Public health researchers have analyzed soda consumption data in…

In the News: “Diet and Nutrition Essential for Mental Health”!

Say again, please! “Diet and Nutrition Essential for Mental Health”?  Yes, indeed…  Surely this news bears repeating [thanks to article fresh out of the ‘Melbourne Newsroom’]:  Evidence is rapidly growing showing vital relationships between both diet quality and potential nutritional deficiencies and mental health, a new international collaboration led by the University of Melbourne and Deakin University has…

In the News: “Sitting for Long Periods Increases Risk of Disease and Death, Regardless of Exercise”

 “More than one half of an average person’s day is spent being sedentary—sitting, watching television, or working at a computer,” said Dr. David Alter [Senior Scientist, Toronto Rehab, UHN, and Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences]. Okay, you may want to stand for this… He goes on to say: [Ah, yes, just like in the spiritual life… Pray…